2019 Registration is now OPEN!
Accepting applicants from: Randolph, Holbrook, Avon, Braintree, Quincy, Weymouth, Milton & Stoughton. As long as your town does not currently have a Pop Warner program.
NEW age requirements:
We have moved to an age based team structure. Which means everyone can play and no one gets turned away! (See Football & Cheer tab for more info)
FOOTBALL- Ages 7 to 14 AS OF 8/1/2019
CHEER- Ages 5 to 14 AS OF 8/1/2019
FLAG- 5 & 6 AS OF 8/1/2019
Documentation needed to register:
Completed application (Player Contract & Physical Form) Visit forms page
An ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE (Will be returned after book certification in August)
A Photocopy of birth certificate
Report card
Insurance information
A doctor’s note dated after 1/1/2019 stating child is healthy and able to participate in football, cheer or flag
Participant fee:
$175 first player & $130 for siblings (Football & Cheer)
$110 (flag)
Discount for active Military, First Responders & Law Enforcement
***Please Note: All cheerleaders will be responsible for the cost of accessories. Visit cheer tab for details ***
How to Register:
Visit: http://tshq.bluesombrero.com/Default.aspx?tabid=1580498
Register with any team for now. We will assign you to the correct team on the back end
Log-in using an existing account or create a new account
The final step will be to complete and turn in all of the above required documentation during an onsite registration date
On the forms tab you will find links to the Physical Form and Player Contract which are 2 pages each
Page 1 of the physical form to be completed by parent
Page 2 of the physical form needs to be completed and signed by the child's physician and dated after 1/1/2019. A signed doctors note is acceptable, in replace of page 2, as long as it is dated after 1/1/2019. One or the other is sufficient.
Onsite Registration:
Saturday June 15th 2019
Time: 10am-12pm
Location: Holbrook Town Hall (50 N Franklin St, Holbrook)
All above documentation will be needed at the time of registration